Contact Chrome et zinc Write to us for more information
2025-03-14 11:43:13
T: 514 337.4040 T.F: 888 337.4041 F: 514 337.4048
5411, Industriel Blvd., Montréal-Nord, (QC) H1G 3H7
Monday to Friday: 8 h à 16 h
Chrome et Zinc is on the cutting edge of industrial surface treatment technology. We provide metal coatings that are unmatched for their quality and beauty.
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5411, Industriel Blvd.,
Montréal-Nord, (QC) H1G 3H7
T: 514 337.4040 T.F: 888 337.4041 F: 514 337.4048
5411, Industriel Blvd., Montréal-Nord, (QC) H1G 3H7
Monday to Friday: 8 h à 16 h